Here’s a free homeschool curriculum using the arugula you grow in your garden.
Category: Family
A year in homemade gifts
This year, I resolved to hand make the gifts I’d give to my kids’ friends. It was SUCH a joy to think about each child, imagine something special, and watch it come to life. I learned many new skills making these gifts. I sewed my way through multiple spools of thread (despite having *no clue* […]
Field trip: The Cabrillo Aquarium
Location: 600 Sampson Way, San Pedro, CA 90731Website: of trip: educational, STEM We love the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, and someday there will be a separate post on all its wonder. But, in so many ways, I prefer the hands-on nature of the smaller, cheaper, Cabrillo Marine Aquarium. You can do […]
The Little Beautiful Place
We want our children to believe they have everything they need to live a fulfilling life already inside themselves. The Little Beautiful Place was born.
Field trip: The Ecology Center
Location: 32701 Alipaz St, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675Website: of trip: educational, nature immersive, playful! A few years ago, we started a tradition of “field trip Friday.” We like to stay local on the weekends, ideally not even getting in the car. Friday is a chance to bust the bubble for us, strike out […]