Category: Yoga

Yoga Class: Post Run Yoga Stretch

This 4th of July, my whole family ran the Redondo Beach 5k / Firecracker Dash. The kids dashed with smiles on their faces, and my older daughter even graduated into the 1/4 mile run division. It was fun for everyone … and the fun kept coming when I got to stretch my body out and […]

Add Ritual to the Everyday

I’m on my millionth night home alone with my kids. I want to check the drama there. My oldest is 4. Well, 4 years, 2 months, 10 days. So, I’ve known her in my arms for 1,530 days. I used a calculator. There’s no statistical way, then, that this is my millionth night alone with […]

My Make-Up with Yoga

Just last month, I wrote, “Perhaps I’ve simply fallen out of love. Perhaps I still love yoga so deeply that a separation is untenable and a reconciliation imminent.” I knew it then. I wanted that blog post to be the bold statement of my retirement. But I knew I’d be takin’ this bitch back. I’m […]