Here’s a free homeschool curriculum using the arugula you grow in your garden.
A year in homemade gifts
This year, I resolved to hand make the gifts I’d give to my kids’ friends. It was SUCH a joy to think about each child, imagine something special, and watch it come to life. I learned many new skills making these gifts. I sewed my way through multiple spools of thread (despite having *no clue* […]
What We Talk About When We Talk About Our Bodies
When we talk about our bodies, we talk about our mothers. We talk about how our mothers talked about their bodies. We say, “My mother never loved her body enough.” “My mother doesn’t give herself credit for how strong she is.” “My mother wore her girdle until her last days.” When we talk about our […]
Summer Camp at Home: Bees
We enjoyed another week of simple activities thanks to How Wee Learn. The activities this week were a mix of successful and not quite working for us, so we thought on the fly (pun intended) and created our own fun. Day 1: Hexagons We began with our story about Harriet the Honeybee, and we learned […]
Cheers to My Body
“Tell me about your body.” She’s setting up her massage table in the corner of my bedroom while I slowly ease into my robe in the bathroom. I step out and say, “I have an arthritic foot, and my left hip is really tight.” Fifteen minutes later, as her hands are coaxing out the mass […]
My Secret to a Good Day with My Kids
“One bad moment doesn’t make a bad day.” My kids remind me of this all the time when I’m having a moment of overwhelm or frustration. I used to say it to them. Now they say it to me far more frequently. But, the funny thing is, for us, one good hour can make a […]
Yoga Class: Post Run Yoga Stretch
This 4th of July, my whole family ran the Redondo Beach 5k / Firecracker Dash. The kids dashed with smiles on their faces, and my older daughter even graduated into the 1/4 mile run division. It was fun for everyone … and the fun kept coming when I got to stretch my body out and […]
Field trip: The Cabrillo Aquarium
Location: 600 Sampson Way, San Pedro, CA 90731Website: of trip: educational, STEM We love the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, and someday there will be a separate post on all its wonder. But, in so many ways, I prefer the hands-on nature of the smaller, cheaper, Cabrillo Marine Aquarium. You can do […]
The Little Beautiful Place
We want our children to believe they have everything they need to live a fulfilling life already inside themselves. The Little Beautiful Place was born.
How do you Hold Your Children?
It pains me to admit I’ve felt tremendous tension with my older daughter recently. We’ve had a bumpy season, not quite striking our balance between lazy time at home and structured time away. We’ve grown bored and quite sick of one another. And, I’ve been holding onto a vice grip of managing her behavior so […]