About three years ago, I went on what has come to be the cliche modern stay-at-home-mom trip … the literal mushroom trip. I started taking microdose capsules every few days to elevate my mood and get beyond my multi-year post-partum funk. I will tell you: I felt fantastic. But, after about 4 months, I realized […]
If you have a love/hate relationship with me, we have that in common
Sitting at lunch today, I overheard a woman describing her recent public speaking engagement. Apparently, members of the audience at times were dissatisfied or even heckling her, but she couldn’t hear it or see it due to the stage set up. She at one point said her PR rep told her, “They seem to have […]
How Social Media Impacts Relationship Development
As a young adult, I heard someone I admire say, “In the end, life is about people and our relationships with them.” My jaw dropped. Why had no one told me this before? Why hadn’t that been the topic of every class I’d ever taken in school? Why did I spend so much time trying […]
Field trip: The Ecology Center
Location: 32701 Alipaz St, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675Website: https://theecologycenter.org/Type of trip: educational, nature immersive, playful! A few years ago, we started a tradition of “field trip Friday.” We like to stay local on the weekends, ideally not even getting in the car. Friday is a chance to bust the bubble for us, strike out […]
Why do we sell ourselves short as mothers?
In a recent social outing, one of my friends – who is also a mother – was chatting about how messy her life is. The way she was talking, you’d think she really didn’t have it together. Well, let me tell you, she does! Sure, there may be dishes in the sink, and hair cuts […]
Short, Simple Audio Yoga Classes
If you’re looking for a 10-minute yoga class or a 20-minute yoga class, check out these short & sweet audio recordings on the podcast. This recent recording really helped my low back pain!
Yoga for Back Pain Relief
Enjoy this simple hatha yoga class to relieve back pain. There is a bonus 10 minute body scan meditation at the end.
New yoga podcast: 30-minute mindful yoga
For the first time in a year (how can that be?!?) I added a new yoga class to my free podcast channel. Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: 30 Minute Mindful Yoga & Meditation: Your quiet super vault https://anchor.fm/theyogaharbor/episodes/30-Minute-Mindful-Yoga–Meditation-Your-quiet-super-vault-e21m3hp
The PERMA-V model and the 5 koshas
This is gonna be some pretty nerdy yoga philosophy/self-help stuff. I recently got into Seligman’s PERMA model of wellness (if you haven’t yet, check my newsletter on that here). When I read about this model, it clicked for me on a deep level, but apparently it didn’t click all the way … yet … because […]
Revisiting My Relationship with Discipline
I had a tough weekend. It should have been a great weekend. I took an afternoon all by myself in a tiny cabin, then I had some close friends joining me for a hike and visioning session. During this session, we encountered a lot of conflict. A good bit of it was driven by me. […]