Author: theyogaharbor

Finding your inner support system

This week on the mat, we’ve worked on identifying the muscles that comprise the deepest layer of support for our posture. We regularly hear about the psoas and transversus abdominus, but what about the multifidus and pectineus? When we are in a state of functions, these muscles work without our conscious engagement; unfortunately, many of […]

Never worry about numbers

Years ago, in a travel bookstore, I picked up a copy of a memoir called The Camel Knows the Way . It was about a woman traveling through India, and I felt immediately called to the picture on the front; always choose a book by the cover! What I didn’t know was this woman’s life […]

Use the right tools

I returned last night from a week-long trip to visit my family. Hollis met her great-grandmother, great-aunt, great-uncle, aunt, a second cousin, and two first cousins. She went to a luncheon, her grandfather’s workplace, the zoo, the pool, and the pickle ball courts. And she did it all with her best friend – Flapjack – […]

Why and How Yoga Works

This week at Mommy & Me support group, our therapist shared the single-most important factor in raising successful children. Can you guess? It’s not enrichment education, healthy diet, effective discipline, attachment practices, or any of the usual suspects. The single most important factor is self-reflective parenting. When she said it, I thought, “Yea. Obvious.” Why? Children […]

Welcome Back

From a Buddhist point of view, losing our minds and building up our Selves is just another opportunity to come back to this present moment and rededicate ourselves to others, and our planet. – Waylon Lewis I’ve been out on maternity leave for nearly three months. In that time, I gave birth to an 8 […]

What is the secret to life?

When I went to my first wedding, I kept noticing the table centerpieces, creatively named after places where the bride and groom had special memories. I thought, “When I get married, I already know the perfect theme!” I wanted my wedding to be based on James Taylor’s songwriting, “The secret to life is enjoying the […]

Hollis’s Birth Story

It’s a big practice in the yoga world to share birth stories; many “celebrity” yogis get press highlights to share theirs. Throughout our pregnancy, and now with Holly at home, my primary feeling is one of protection. We’ve waited a long time to have this sacred experience, and I feel the need to keep it […]