This year, I resolved to hand make the gifts I’d give to my kids’ friends. It was SUCH a joy to think about each child, imagine something special, and watch it come to life.
I learned many new skills making these gifts. I sewed my way through multiple spools of thread (despite having *no clue* how to sew at the start of this Summer). I embroidered till my fingers bled. I made pounds of playdough for sensory bins. I did things the wrong way, only to redo them in a different wrong way.
I have no idea if any of these kids loved their gifts, but I loved giving them. So it’s a win. I’m excited to see what the next year has in store for my gift factory.
Here are some things I made:

A peacock play mat for a peacock loving friend.

A Tiana dress for a special request.

Baby & me matching jammies for a baby doll lover.

A custom jumper for a little one-year-old (I learned to sew this year!)

A potion kit for a little experimenter.

A marker roll for an art lover.