Tag: meditation

What’s Your Temperament?

Is there one relationship you struggle with, leading you to believe it’s just a bad match? It probably is! But, that doesn’t mean you can’t make it a better one. I learned this year that infants have essentially 9 characteristics that define their temperament. That’s it. When I look at it broadly, I realize these […]

Welcome Back

From a Buddhist point of view, losing our minds and building up our Selves is just another opportunity to come back to this present moment and rededicate ourselves to others, and our planet. – Waylon Lewis I’ve been out on maternity leave for nearly three months. In that time, I gave birth to an 8 […]

Abandon Hope

Last month, I wrote about abandoning perfection. That statement likely came to you like a breath of fresh air. This month, I’m writing about abandoning hope. That statement likely brings up a different reaction. You may feel immediately angry, confused, panicked, or contentious. It’s true, abandon hope is a hard piece of advice to follow. […]