Category: Uncategorized

Pantry-Clearing Energy Balls

Got nuts, seeds, and oats? Add a few additional ingredients for these fatty, sustaining energy cookies you can grab and eat. Ingredients: 1 cup oats 1/2 cup flax seed meal 1/2 cup honey or maple syrup 1/2 cup shredded coconut (can be replaced with chia seeds, chocolate chips, shredded nuts, etc., but the texture will […]

Do I Have to Sit to Meditate?

You know all those guided meditations that are so popular these days? I think they’re lying to you. I don’t think those lies are harmful; most people tell me those recorded meditations are helpful. But, to me, they are lies in that they aren’t really meditations. They’re listening exercises. In my (never claim to be humble) opinion, there’s […]

My Dad’s Thanksgiving Letter

Each year, my father writes one personal note to the associates he shares an office with. This year, his note fills me with joy, pride, and a knowing that I am – for better and worse and everything in between – my father’s daughter. His note is worth sharing: Being Needed written by Mark Henderson […]