Category: Uncategorized

My Breakup with Yoga

Five years ago, I was sitting on a screen porch in the Low Country of South Carolina, rocking gently in a wooden chair, sharing a coffee with a dozen or so extended family members ages thirty to seventy. I asked each, “What is the favorite job you ever had?” Every one of them said, “Easy […]

Outdoor Classroom Wish List

Every person needs a sense of purpose and belonging. At Valmonte Farm & Garden, children and special needs adults find just that. By cultivating the farm, these important souls connect with nature, learn valuable skills, and practice mindfulness in an inclusive, sensory-rich setting. We continue our mission of connection by constructing the first child-friendly outdoor […]

Word of the Year: Cherish

2020 was supposed to be the year of returning to some normalcy for me. After concurrent pregnancies, I was coming back from maternity leave in early 2020, and I was ready to get off the survival train and onto some type of accelerated track to a dream life. I found myself in survival mode times […]

The Yoga of Failure

A few weeks ago, I sent a newsletter announcing the failure of our existing business. I received many responses, most to the tune of, “Don’t be so hard on yourself! You didn’t fail!” The sentiment of these emails was, of course, utterly supportive. But, I didn’t need someone trying to convince me I hadn’t failed. […]

The Yoga Harbor Studio Guide

LIVE Virtual Classes These Zoom classes are fully-interactive. Your teacher will be filming from his/her/their home, and you’ll get to chat before and after class.  Payment and Registration: Login to your MINDBODY account Sign up for a “virtual/livestream” class These classes are marked “FREE / By Donation” Donate directly to your teacher via Venmo instructions […]