Category: Meditation

Mom Guilt

I experienced my first official bought of Mom Guilt today. I found out I went for a blood draw on a screening test two days too late. The lab now won’t run the test, so we will never know the results of this particular screening. I was devastated. I am responsible for this little one’s wellbeing – she’s […]

Let go

We hear it: “Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.” And we all laugh. It’s on coffee mugs, it’s in self-help books, it bookends yoga classes. This notion that ”letting go” means releasing negativity and holding on to love and light is at best silly and at worst damaging. As humans, we have a tendency to […]

The 1 Key to Health

Last month, we talked about getting started and trying something new. Welcome to yoga; it’s the best! Yoga will bolster your circulation, improve your joint health, regulate your blood pressure, build your bone density, increase your flexibility, and help you sleep. But none of it matters if you don’t actually do it. The only thing you […]

Abandon Hope

Last month, I wrote about abandoning perfection. That statement likely came to you like a breath of fresh air. This month, I’m writing about abandoning hope. That statement likely brings up a different reaction. You may feel immediately angry, confused, panicked, or contentious. It’s true, abandon hope is a hard piece of advice to follow. […]