Carrot Coconut Curry Soup My days are so chock full of tasks that I have little time to prepare a meal from a lengthy recipe. Minimal ingredients and preparation are important! Here is one of my favorite go-to recipes. It’s flavorful, comforting, enjoyable any time of the day or year, and of course quick and […]
Mindful Family Schedule for Home-Based Learning
I’ve worked from home for over 15 years, and for the last 2 I’ve had my kids with me. So, if you find yourself new to working from home or suddenly home with kids all day, let me tell you: you’re going to need a schedule! This is ours. It’s play-based and mindful, and […]
What’s Your Temperament?
Is there one relationship you struggle with, leading you to believe it’s just a bad match? It probably is! But, that doesn’t mean you can’t make it a better one. I learned this year that infants have essentially 9 characteristics that define their temperament. That’s it. When I look at it broadly, I realize these […]
The #1 Modern Health Pandemic
Social isolation is one of the modern health pandemics. All ages and kinds of people have fear around connection and intimacy. Perhaps you wonder how to develop more meaningful relationships to those in your life. How do we turn towards love and belonging? How can we cultivate the freshness of feeling our feelings of fear […]
3 Tips to Write Your Own Biography
Whether you’re writing a blurb for LinkedIn, a biography for a website, or an insert for your book cover, your “elevator pitch” is likely out there somewhere, and what does it say about you? Does it connect you with someone you’ve never met? Or, is it just a laundry list of things you’ve done? Try […]
What does “bliss” mean to you?
Five years ago, if you’d asked me what bliss looks like, it probably would have been an image of me in the center of … something. I would have been at a book signing, the front of a packed yoga workshop, the cover of a magazine. I cringe a little writing that, but I’ve always […]
Balance is bullshit
Go hold a tree pose for 10 breaths. What do you feel? You’re wavering quite a bit; your ankles are quivering, your hips sway a bit side-to-side, you may even notice your whole body moves front-to-back. The illusion is that you are standing steady and perfectly balanced, but you’re actually just constantly working toward balance, […]
How to prevent burnout
Rest comes in a lot of forms. We think of ‘rest’ as meaning a true vacation, but it doesn’t have to. Whatever it is you are digging deeply into, rest simply means to dig deeply into something else for a period of time. It requires you to put your primary occupation on the shelf while […]
How do we improve at yoga?
I started calling myself a writer in my mid twenties. Sure, I’d been published as early as 5th grade and studied writing in college, but it wasn’t until I was earning my living through writing that I used the title. Of all the benefits I’ve received from being ‘a writer,’ though, money has been the […]
Finding your Inner Support System in Life
Recently, in a mom therapy group, our facilitator spoke to us about resiliency. She asked, “What can we do to help our children be resilient?” The current generation of teenagers has some of the lowest resiliency rates we’ve ever seen; anxiety and depression rates are through the roof. What can we do to set the […]