I experienced my first official bought of Mom Guilt today. I found out I went for a blood draw on a screening test two days too late. The lab now won’t run the test, so we will never know the results of this particular screening. I was devastated. I am responsible for this little one’s wellbeing – she’s […]
Get your own yoga mat (seriously)
We provide 3 complimentary “rentals” of our studio yoga mats to everyone who walks through our doors. We do this because, simply, everyone needs a hand from time-to-time. Maybe you don’t have your own mat the first time you come to practice, and maybe you just forgot it at home; in either case, we’re here […]
The best kind of hard work
One of my good friends once told me, “You are a very powerful manifester.” She meant it as a high compliment, so I took it that way. Kidding. I’m not good at taking things for what people mean. I scrutinize the language; one of my many mottos is, “Good intentions aren’t everything. You actually have to think […]
What I hope my yoga studio learns from drybar
About eight years ago, one of my best friends was carrying promotional materials around in her pocket for her new business. Everywhere she went, she handed out coasters advertising a new spot in Brentwood where you could get your hair blown out but not cut or colored. The coasters were literally scattered around the dance […]
Why We Need Restorative Yoga
Eight years ago, I took my husband to a Yin and Restorative Yoga class. He was angry with me later for boring him for an hour. We were twenty-five, physically healthy, and were pretty stress free. He rarely stayed past five at work, I was home every night to cook dinner, and our rent hadn’t gone […]
Satya: Living Truly Aligned
Truth is a slippery concept, never as objective as we’d like it to be. Our truth depends just as much on our experiences and point of view as it does on observable fact (much to the disappointment of climate scientists and vaccine developers). In yoga, the word for truth is satya. And, as we work […]
Wanna win? Buy a Ticket
A man prayed to God every morning, “Please, let me win the lottery!” And every night, the winner was announced, and it wasn’t him. Day in and day out he prayed ardently, “Let me win the lottery! I’ll use the money for good!” And every night, the same story; no win. Finally, one night he […]
You Don’t Have to Settle for Spaghetti
At our old home, Reid and I had the pleasure of forming a friendship with our neighbors of an older generation. In our four years on Oakwood Street in Pasadena, we felt comfort in knowing Marge and Guppy were just down the street. Their house was a throw back to my youth, reminding me of my own […]
Back to (Yoga) School
Been taking a little break to enjoy the sunshine this summer? It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been off your mat for. All that matters is you hop back on. Preferably today. To encourage your journey back to your practice, we’ve got a great reward. The Rules Practice with us 12 times during the month […]
Using Meditation to End Racism
Just before my grandfather passed away last month, he told me he wanted to live 8 more years, to be 100 and see what came of the world. He said it was a dynamic and exciting time, but at the same time he expressed his fear for me and my future children. He said, “I […]