Deciding to meditate is like deciding to “go on a diet.” It will take a tremendous amount of willpower, you’ll probably fall off the wagon, and you’ll likely reach a point when you call it quits. I’ve done a number of 10 day, 30 day, or even 12 week meditation commitments. I’ve made it through with […]
Why I Meditate
“I am thoroughly convinced the reason you married me is because I’m one person you think is right as often as you think you are.” That’s what my husband said to me yesterday after one of our sparring matches; we get into it, not necessarily fighting, but certainly arguing, at times to the point where […]
My Dad’s Thanksgiving Letter
Each year, my father writes one personal note to the associates he shares an office with. This year, his note fills me with joy, pride, and a knowing that I am – for better and worse and everything in between – my father’s daughter. His note is worth sharing: Being Needed written by Mark Henderson […]
The Right Way to Goal Set
People often ask, “What did you do before teaching yoga?” The honest answer? Not much. At least not much successfully. With a writing, history, and interdisciplinary humanities degree, I wasn’t exactly on an employment path when I left college. I took administrative, marketing, and sales jobs, never fully satisfied in my work and certainly not […]
Does my problem even matter in a world with so many (much bigger) problems?
On one particularly devastating day during my treatment for infertility, my father used that famous line: “If this is the worst problem you have, you’re doing better than 90 percent of the people out there.” I felt superfluously unheard and painfully misunderstood. Sure, I had a roof over my head, clothes on my body, the […]
Why we don’t say “manifest” at The Yoga Harbor
Part of being a leader is having a clearly defined vision, holding tight to it, and knowing how to let it evolve fluidly and responsively without compromising it. I’m working on the last part. Fluid and responsive is my aspiration. Furrowed and feisty is my default. If our vision was something like “make people sweaty,” it would […]
Meet guest teacher Wendy Garafalo
I met Wendy very early in my yoga journey at what must have been one of my first 10 classes. She was subbing for another teacher, and I told my husband she was one of the most beautiful people I’d ever seen. This was sometime around 10 years ago, and I will say her beauty has only […]
Are you burnt out or just overwhelmed?
Why don’t you make it to your yoga mat? I know the answer before you say it: you’re busy. You’re tired. You have a (job, child, aging parent, house to manage). Oddly, it seems like we truly believe no one can understand our level of busy. I hear it a lot, “When you have a […]
Preaching to the choir is boring
I spent last weekend catching up with old friends, one who lives in Arkansas and one who lives in San Francisco. At one point, my friend from San Francisco shared that she couldn’t live in Arkansas because the people there were too closed-minded and likely all voted for Trump. My other friend noted that this […]
Is yoga enough to keep me “fit?”
One of our students recently replaced her gym membership with a yoga membership. She naturally asked the question, “Is it enough?” From a sales perspective, I should of course say, “Yes! Spend all your money and time here!” But, there is a lot more to the story. A big part of the answer depends on […]